Multimedia Design for Web Site Sound and Video
Use of sound and video on web sites is experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to increasing numbers of users with high speed broadband connections and better quality sound files.
Here is an acceptable way to implement sound or video on your web site:
- It's a great way to send visitors an introductory message
- Automatically play samples of audio and video files you are selling.
- Ability to turn music on and off.
- Ability to adjust volume.
- Uses Windows Media Player which, is compatible with most computer browsers.
- Music doesn't repeat too often when using large sound files.
- Can play entire songs or several minutes of speech.
- Makes your web site more user-friendly to users with impaired sight.
- Add to your site's total theme.
- Users without speakers won't hear sound (rare these days).
- Using small files can bother users when they repeat too often. However, users can turn it off and there are repeating sound clips available that specifically designed to sound good